Monday 14 March 2016

The Motivation Tool.

Sometimes getting motivated can be an issue for anyone. Take it from me, my motivation comes in giant waves, sometimes I'll be motivated for anything and everything, jump in head first and somehow land on my feet. Other times though, I can be the complete opposite, tired, grumpy (I'm not good at being grumpy) and just lacking motivation for the simplest of tasks. You know, some days you just don't want to get up and go to work, you don't want to train, you don't want to complete that project today, sometimes you have no choice, sometimes there's things you just have to get done despite the fact you have no motivation.

Are you lazy? Well if you understand what I've just read and are still reading then the ultimate answer is, probably not. Our brains can only calculate data efficiently for so long before it needs a break. By data I don't necessarily mean numbers, I mean our brains are constantly working, unfortunately, if you're stressing about something, you're making it worse because your brain is still using energy whilst you sleep.

So how do I avoid this problem you ask? Well funnily enough for me, my passion is within weightlifting, I take at least an hour to myself on a daily basis so that I can train. Why? Because I can switch off my brain, I don't have to think about what I'm doing, I've trained for a few years now and it naturally became a part of my routine. It actually gives my brain a chance to rest, in fact I'm more likely to cancel a deadline or a meeting if it is going to interfere with my availability for the gym that day, why? Because I'm a hell of a lot more productive and happier when I've had my down time to myself, rather than going into something blind, I would rather postpone it and ensure that I'm going into my meeting at full capacity because I know that way that no matter what the outcome, I've done the job to the best of my abilities and I can't knock myself back down for that.

Now, I'm not saying for each of you to go out and hit the gym. I'm fully aware that most people don't have the motivation and drive for weightlifting as I do. What I am saying is use your passion to your advantage, EVERYONE and I mean everyone has a hobby or something that they enjoy doing. Maybe painting, reading, writing, gaming, tennis? Each of these can be used to give your brain time to rest. If something is a hobby, I believe you think about it less, and whilst you're concentrating on what it is you're doing you can enable yourself to turn off the stress and worry from work, day to day life, break ups, you can apply this to everything to GAIN motivation. You can trick your mind into a new routine in just 21 days, 3 weeks. I can't tell you how many times I let them 21 days go by without changing my schedule or doing something for myself, the thing is now, it feels like I've always done it and I'm happier all round because of it, I don't let life stress me out anymore because of it.


  1. It's so true that we need to know our biggest passions in life, whatever they may be. They help us rest, destress, and come back stronger than ever! Great article

    1. Thank you for your kind words on both my articles Alex, much appreciated :)
